Welcome to Clipie’s documentation!

Over View

Chrome extension for clipboard containing recently copied items.

When you have to copy and paste multiple texts, it is helpful to have a clipboard of items you copied recently. This project creates a browser extension for such clipboard. It will show the content of the copied / pasted text, with the time stamp with when it was copy or paste. It will display buttons that user can click to copy the texts that were copy or pasted in the past again. In addition, it allows the user to download the .txt file of their clipboard history. The user can delete their data as well.

Getting Started

# Installation

While this extension is being approved in the chrome browser extension market, please download the files in this repository. On your chrome browser, go to : chrome://extensions/ , and click “Load unpacked”. Then load the “/src” directory. Now you will be able to use Clipe extension.


# Functionalities

Clipie will automatically check if you are copying or pasting texts, and your history will be saved. When you click the browser extension, you will see the list of your copied and pasted texts.

You can copy the texts from your history again using the Copy button next to the list of your history.

You can delete the history with “Delete my history” button

You can save your history to a .txt file with “Save as .txt” button

#Demo Here is a quick demo to show its full functionality: https://youtu.be/gDXmaDHRT98

Indices and tables